The name of the shop, “Vicolo” means “alley” or “small street” in Italian.
The view you see while walking through the narrow and intricate alleys in the old Italian townscape.
The quiet and peaceful atmosphere is very relaxing.

Vicolo means 'alley' in italian
“The axis is always classic”
“Everyday wear with a dress mindset”
“Enjoy everyday life”
universal styles that are not influenced
by trends, we propose truly fine items,
build one’s own lifestyle
“Everyday wear with a dress mindset”
“Enjoy everyday life”
universal styles that are not influenced
by trends, we propose truly fine items,
build one’s own lifestyle
soft tailoring,rounde shoulder line and form
A moderately classic style
without being eccentric.
No front darts, but a single
diagonal line from the sides
for a clean look in the front.
The rounded cut is connected
from the lapel to the hem.
welcome to Vicolo
Online Shop
Soft tailoring, rounded
shoulder line and form.
A moderately classic style
without being eccentric.
No front darts, but a single
diagonal line from the
sides for a clean look in the front.
The rounded cut is connected
from the lapel to the hem.
held regularly
We hold order-taking
sessions and events.
Please check our instagram
for the latest information.